Deiter's AnimeQuest *FUSHIGI YUUGI EDITION* (OAV 2 new characters)
Tenkou is an evil, powerful man and the King of the Shitennou (Four Heaven Kings), who he controls and commands. He is even more powerful than Nakago, who served him, and even more evil. Tenkou believes he is a god, and it is his dream to attain the ultimate power of the "Shi Jin Ten Chi Sho", and become the ruler of both the book world and the real world Tenkou learned of the powers that the book contained, and became completely crazed with power over the immense possibilities within the book. Finally, Tenkou was placed under the death sentence, and executed by having his head cut off. Ren Shigyuo is a new student at the high school Miaka and Yui attend, and is extremely popular at school. He runs for school president against Yui, and becomes the leader of a group of students who threaten Miaka and Taka. Ren has the ability to control people’s minds. He dislikes and is jealous of the miracle that allowed Miaka and Taka to be together. Ren is the first Shitennou for Tenkou, who aided him in acquiring his powers and allowing him to travel between the two worlds. Ren was originally a young man in the book world who loved and was engaged with his older sister, Miiru. 
Boushin is the son of Hotohori and Houki; the crown Prince and future Emperor of Konan Country. He is a lively little boy, but because his mother entered mourning right after his birth, he has never spoken to anyone. He is very cute, and loves and keeps the teddy bear that Miaka gave to Hotohori before leaving for Hokkan Country. Boushin is silent because of his isolation from his mother, and has never learned of his father’s love for him. (PART 2)  Gyoshuku is the great-grandson of Hotohori, who is upon the throne fifty years after the calling of Suzaku. Gyoshuku, like his great-grandfather, finds himself surrounded by Palace advisors and Royal guards, with no true friends. Gyoshuku is impressed, awed, and respectful of the legends of the Suzaku Seishi, keeping all of their holy objects in the sacred Shrine of the Suzaku. (PART 1)
Rokou Chou is the older brother of Nuriko. He is quite serious and very upset over his brother’s death, feeling utterly alone in the world. As a child, Rokou was very timid and shy, and was teased by the other children of the town. Nuriko constantly came to Rokou’s rescue by trouncing the bullies, and so Rokou came to depend on his brother a great deal. When Rokou learned of Nuriko’s death, he was crushed and grew to hate the Suzaku Seishi, who he felt took his brother away from him.   Miiru Kamashiro is a new freshman at the college Taka, Keisuke, and Tetsuya attend. She decides to join Keisuke’s Ancient Chinese Mythology Club, where she sees and reads some of the "Shi Jin Ten Chi Sho". She believes Keisuke’s story about another world inside the book, where his little sister was pulled in and became the Suzaku No Miko. Miiru, however, is the second of the Shitennou working for Tenkou, and has the ability to use blood to control or harm people. 
Kaen is a young woman who meets Tamahome in Kutou Country. She serves him, calling him her Lord "Nakago", and does things like prepare meals and take care of his clothes for him. Kaen also practices Bouchu magic, having sexual abilities almost like Soi’s, only not quite so polished. She loves her Lord "Nakago", being perfectly willing to give her body to him, and would probably sacrifice herself for his sake.  Hikou is the friend of Chichiri who was killed by Chichiri eight years previously
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